Why take exams?
In the last 6 months 13 pupils have passed their exams.
Exams can provide pupils with:
skills to overcome challenges (useful in life too)
clear goals, including skills they may otherwise avoid - musicianship, such as understanding rhythms to support their playing.
recognition of their achievements, a certificate to celebrate
For decades I entered pupils purely for Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music Exams (ABRSM), having followed this path myself. Since lockdown, I discovered the benefits of MTB exams for many. My own pet hate was always the aural (singing) element of music exam in previous ABRSM exams - for many pupils the sight reading put them off. ABRSM, Trinity and the London College exams have all since embraced more digital methods and a broader syllabus, but MTB works for most I find in the present post Covid state.
The MTB exams taken in my studio setting remove the stress of having to get to a set exam centre, playing in a different environment and in front of a stranger (the examiner). Recording in the studio is far more relaxed with the knowledge that if it all goes wrong the entire recording can restarted or can be redone in another lesson. It is still enough pressure to get scales, rhythmic clapping, exercises, a duet and 3 pieces performed at your best on the day. MTB exams still offer UCAS (college/university credits for the upper grades). It is possible to do the early exams with MTB and later transfer to ABRSM for the experience of more ‘real life’ performance assessment and this is likely to be the route my younger pupils will take. MTB offer flexibility of me submitting your favourite pieces to be authorized as the appropriate level, so you can use these in the exam - Winnie the Pooh, James Bond, The Titanic, I Just Want to Be King, Jingle Bells are just a few to mention - so lots to keep you motivated.
For theory exams my preference remains the ABRSM syllabus. ABRSM: Grade 1 to 5 syllabus summary both exam content and practice papers are available. With these exams now taking place online the Discovering Music Theory graded workbooks and corresponding answer books offer all-round preparation and I am happy to suggest tasks and supportive activities during your lessons, should you wish.